A procedure which takes a nonorthogonal set of Linearly Independent functions and constructs an Orthogonal
Basis over an arbitrary interval with respect to an arbitrary Weighting Function
. Given an original set
of linearly independent functions
, let
denote the orthogonalized (but not normalized) functions and
the orthonormalized functions.
(3) |
where we require
(4) |
By definition,
(5) |
(6) |
The first orthogonalized function is therefore
\psi_1 =u_1(x)-\left[{\int u_1\phi_0w\,dx}\right]\phi_0,
\end{displaymath}](g_1854.gif) |
(7) |
and the corresponding normalized function is
(8) |
By mathematical induction, it follows that
(9) |
(10) |
(11) |
If the functions are normalized to
instead of 1, then
\int^b_a [\phi_j(x)]^2w\,dx = {N_j}^2
\end{displaymath}](g_1860.gif) |
(12) |
(13) |
(14) |
Orthogonal Polynomials are especially easy to generate using Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization. Use the notation
(15) |
is a Weighting Function, and
define the first few Polynomials,
As defined,
are Orthogonal Polynomials, as can be seen from
Now use the Recurrence Relation
p_{i+1}(x)=\left[{x-{\left\langle{xp_i\vert p_i}\right\rangl...
...ft\langle{p_{i-1}\vert p_{i-1}}\right\rangle{}}}\right]p_{i-1}
\end{displaymath}](g_1873.gif) |
(19) |
to construct all higher order Polynomials.
To verify that this procedure does indeed produce Orthogonal Polynomials, examine
. Therefore, all the Polynomials
are orthogonal. Many common
Orthogonal Polynomials of mathematical physics can be generated in this manner. However, the process is
numerically unstable (Golub and van Loan 1989).
See also Gram Determinant, Gram's Inequality, Orthogonal Polynomials
Arfken, G. ``Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization.'' §9.3 in Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 3rd ed.
Orlando, FL: Academic Press, pp. 516-520, 1985.
Golub, G. H. and van Loan, C. F. Matrix Computations, 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins, 1989.
© 1996-9 Eric W. Weisstein