A map between two objects in an abstract Category.
- 1. A general morphism is called a Homomorphism,
- 2. A morphism
in a Category is a Monomorphism if, for any two morphisms
implies that
- 3. A morphism
in a Category is an Epimorphism if, for any two morphisms
- 4. A bijective morphism is called an Isomorphism (if there is an isomorphism between two objects, then we say
they are isomorphic),
- 5. A surjective morphism from an object to itself is called an Endomorphism, and
- 6. An Isomorphism between an object and itself is called an Automorphism.
See also Automorphism, Epimorphism, Homeomorphism, Homomorphism, Isomorphism,
Monomorphism, Object
© 1996-9 Eric W. Weisstein