The Apodization Function
(1) |
which is a generalization of the one-argument Triangle Function. Its Full Width at Half Maximum is
It has Instrument Function
in the first part therefore gives
Rewriting (2) using (3) gives
Integrating the first part and using the integral
(5) |
for the second part gives
is the Sinc Function. The peak (in units of
) is 1. The function
is always positive, so
there are no Negative sidelobes. The extrema are given by letting
and solving
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
Solving this numerically gives
for the first maximum, and the peak Positive sidelobe is 0.047190. The
full width at half maximum is given by setting
and solving
(11) |
, yielding
(12) |
Therefore, with
(13) |
See also Apodization Function, Parzen Apodization Function, Triangle Function
Bartlett, M. S. ``Periodogram Analysis and Continuous Spectra.'' Biometrika 37, 1-16, 1950.
© 1996-9 Eric W. Weisstein